Friday, December 14, 2007

Lion (or Lame?) Excuse

Like the Merlion of Singapore, the Nittany Lion shrine is an icon here! Sculptured by Heinz Warnecke from a 13-ton block of limestone, the shrine was a gift to PennState university from the Class of 1940. Since its unveiling in 1942, the sculpture has been one of the most visited and photographed sites, not just on campus, but also the entire of Pennsylvania. Note: Mountain lions had roamed on the nearby Mount Nittany until the 1880s, when they became extinct.
The Nittany Lion Shrine
Proverbs for the Day (22:13)

The sluggard says, "There is a lion outside!" or, "I will be murdered in the street".

This proverb refers to an excuse a lazy person might use to avoid going to work. The excuse sounds silly to us, but that's often how our excuses sound to others. Don't rationalize laziness. Take responsibilities seriously and get to work. If a person is not willing to work, he or she can find endless excuses to avoid it. But laziness is more dangerous than a prowling lion.

A windsock
This reminds me of Ecclesiastes.
"Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap." (11:4)
Waiting for perfect conditions will mean inactivity. If we wait for the perfect time and place, we will never begin. If we wait for the perfect job, we will never gain experience. If we wait for a perfect partner, we will never commit. Whilst we should not take uncalculated risk, we don't wait for conditions that may never exist.

So, go out today; stop giving excuses and start taking some risk. Have faith! Have an adventure!

Source: LAB, pp. 1107 & 1142.