Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Happiest People

The happiest people are those who have invested their time in others. The unhappiest people are those who wonder how the world is going to make them happy.

Karl Menninger, the great psychiatrist, was asked what a lonely, unhappy person should do. He said, "Lock the door behind you, go across the street, find someone who is hurting, and help them." Forget about yourself to help others. There is no better exercise for strengthening the heart than reaching down and lifting people up.

You wants other to encourage you. Think about it; most of your best friends are those who encouraged you. You don't have many strong relationships with people who put you down. You avoid these people and seek out those who believe in you and lift you up.

"When special people touch our lives then suddenly we see how beautiful and wonderful our world can really be. They show us that our special hopes and dreams can take us far by helping us look inward and believe in who we are. They bless us with their love and joy through everything they give. When special people touch our lives they teach us how to live." - J.C. Maxwell (1993)

What do you get out of encouraging others? One author wrote, "there is no way to decribe the joy of having a young person touch your arm and smile because you have taught him new values and touched his heart and his mind."

Just as you need it, people need to be encouraged.

Prayer: Father, we all need some encouragement in our lives. Teach me how to be kind and thoughtful and how to elevate someone’s self-esteem. Gentleness, kindness, and encouragement are indicators of a special strength. Instill that strength within me.

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