Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Two Birds

Found this poem, entitled TWO BIRDS on the internet.

Two birds begin a journey long,
from different points in a far off land;
With a luring urge - in heart a song,
two novices heed life's command.

As they make their great migration,
Their feeble feet turn to taloned hands;
And the two reach their destination
As seasoned travelers in the southern lands

Still unaware that the other lives,
Each alights upon the very same tree;
And there the two, as if guided by God,
Fall madly in love and marry.

Thus so it is with you and me;
Two birds which Heaven's winds did blow
To this blessed rendezvous of life,
Like the two Swallows at Capistrano.

by Ara John Movsesian (1983)

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