Saturday, September 29, 2007


Why TGIF? Why not TGIM, or TGIT? What is so special about Friday?

Well, Friday is Friday! It is dress down day! We can be casual on Fridays! It marks the end of a working week. Not just an ordinary week, but one in which we have worked hard like a dog. It's time for us to look forward to a well deserved good weekend; "stop working like a dog and start sleeping like a log."

Riddle: Do you know why the devils celebrate TGIF in Hell? Thank God it's FRYday!

In Happy Valley, Fridays are also special days for two other reasons:

(1) Farmers' Market - the day when we buy fresh produce directly from the farmers. A section of the downtown road is closed for the farmers to set up their stalls, just like "pasar malam" in Singapore; except that fresh produce, fruits, flowers, cakes, bread, conserve etc. are sold here. It is a very vibrant place, colorful and cheery! Unlike the wet markets back home, the farmers' market is very clean. We also get to see Amish farmers in their traditional costumes.

(2) Garbage Day - Here, the gabbage is collected once a week. Thankfully, the weather here is cool. Otherwise, imagine how the gabbage will smell if they are left uncollected for a week in S'pore! We have to bring out the rubbish bins to the road side and separate the refuse into those that are considered truly garbage and those that can be recycled.
A good reminder: (1) Not to carry any baggage from the past. Periodically, take time to clear junk from our lives. (2) Not all bad things that happened to us are really 'bad'. Some can be recycled for our good, if only we learn to recognize them and treat them in a positive way. As they say, a bad experience can either make you into a "bitter" or "better" person. The choice is yours!

What is the secret of happiness? In their search for happiness, most people focus on the IF part of the T.G.I.F. "I will only be happy if this and this happens". Usually, when that "if" is fulfilled, there will be another "if", and then, another one after that. It just goes on and on and on .... True contentment does not rest on IF... Matthews, the author of a popular happiness book (which have nice cartoons in it as well) said that "it is not what happens to you that determines your happiness. It’s how you think about what happens to you (p.27)".
My Conviction: I am convinced that the key to true happiness lies in the TG part of T.G.I.F. Listen to what Matthews say, "When you are thankful for what you have – for the friends you have, and for the things you’ve got – you attract more good people and good things. Be happy with what you have now" (p.67). Another author says, "Count our blessings and name them one by one. An attitude of gratitude rids our lives of the film of frustration, the rust of resentment and the varnish of vanity – all destroyers of self esteem." - B. Johnson (1992) Author of "Splashes of Joy"

I am reminded of an old song we used to sing in church,

I will rejoice, I will rejoice
I will rejoice for I’ve made my choice to rejoice in the Lord

It doesn’t depend on the circumstance
The strength of my arm or my voice
It doesn’t depend on the way I feel
I’ve made up my mind and I’m gonna rejoice.

Thank God for his blessings: Most find their happiness from the outside in. Blessed are those who can find happiness from the inside out. Oh God, I am truly blessed!