Saturday, October 13, 2007

A Dwarf On the Shoulders of Giants

On our way to Boston, we stopped by at the University of Connecticut @ Storrs. The primary reason is to visit CF and his wife, Elaine. CF is one of the most prolific real estate researchers and his publication record is legendary in the real estate academia world! He is the co-editor of the Journal of Real Estate Finance & Economics. CF is one of my mentors, with whom I work closely.

In my acceptance speech for the NUS Young Researcher Award (April 2005), I cited the following quotation: A 12th century theologian once said, “I am like a dwarf sitting on the shoulders of giants. I can see further … not because my sight is superior or because I am taller than they, but because they raise me up, & by their great stature add to mine .”

CF, truly, has been a “giant” in my career. Indeed, I am blessed to have several mentors. Another is the late Professor Gerald Brown, to whom I dedicated the NUS Young Researcher Award. Gerald was then the Head of Department of Real Estate, NUS. Before his passing, I visited him in Auckland and told him how grateful I am to have several renowned professors as my mentors. Till today, I still keep in my heart what Gerald advised, “These professors are famous and very busy. They don’t have to mentor anyone but they do, selectively. So, Joseph, when your time come, do the same and nurture those who follow after you.”

Above all, I thank my LORD, “When I am down … You raise me up … More than I can be. I am strongest when I am on your shoulders.”
For more on mentorship, please visit my earlier blog entry entitled "Sugar Maple" (Sept 5, 2007).