Sunday, January 25, 2009

Barnabas: The Encourager

"Joseph, who was also named by the apostles Barnabas, which is translated Son of Encouragement" - Acts 4:36
Today, my bible study focused on a remarkable character named Joseph. There are a few biblical characters who goes by name of Joseph. This one is nicknamed Barnabas, meaning the Son of Encouragement. (Note: Nickname is a special name given to some who that represented the kind of person they were).
Living up to his nickname, Barnabas was the kind of man who encouraged other people everywhere he went. He brought out the best in other people. He lifted their spirits. He quieted their hearts. He brought joy and comfort to them. He was an individual who constantly encouraged other people.

Barnabas was the kind of person who always sought out the one who was faltering, the one who failed, the one who had stumbled. He helped them back on their feet and helped them realize that failure is not final, that we don't have to live life on the basis of our mistakes.
As a church leader, Barnabas demonstrated that the gospel is the gospel of begining again. The gospel is the gospel of going on from where we are. The gospel is the gospel of transforming the mistakes and the tragedies of our past into the glories of God's grace in our lives. He encouraged the new believers to go on in their faith, to continue to follow Christ.
  • That's the kind of person Barnabas was. It was Barnabas who first brought Saul of Tarsus into the Christian church, and Saul became Paul, the great missionary leader. It was also Barnabas who first encouraged the inclusion of Gentiles (non-Jews) in the church. And when Paul refused to forgive John Mark (who failed them in an earlier mission), Barnabas believed John Mark deserved a second chance.
The world desperately need people like Barnabas. Encouragers who will reach out to those who have stumbled and fallen, those who are discouraged and oppressed, and will lift their hearts and draw them back to the Savior. We need redemptive, restoring individuals who will make it their task to be sons of encouragement; to be encouragers.

Let's follow the example of Barnabas and encourage those around us! In particular, we need to encourage those who are hurting, and those who are lonely and doubting. Everyone needs encouragement at one time or another.

Think about the people who really matter in your life. Odds are that many of them are encouragers....

source: J.T. Draper (2004) Preaching with passion

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