Thursday, February 4, 2010

My Blessings Are So Many

The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you: The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. Numbers 6:24-26.
photo: rodendrum (State College, 2008)

Over the whole of last year, our church systematically studied the book of Numbers. The weekly sermons were anchored on chapters of the book. Whilst there are many lessons that can be gleaned, one of my favorite verses from the book is Numbers 6:24-26. It reminds us that God is looking out for us. As Max Lucado wrote, "... what the world has overlooked, your Father has remembered, and sooner than you can imagine, you will be blessed by him.
Further, my meditation today focused on John 1:16: "From his abundance, we have all received one gracious blessing after another." Browsing through my scrap book this morning, I came across a beautiful poem and prayer by Helen Steiner Rice.

My blessings are so many,
My troubles are so few,
How can I feel discouraged
When I know that I have You.
And I have the sweet assurance
That I’ll never stand alone
If I but keep remembering
I am Yours and Yours alone …
So, in this world of trouble
With darkness all around,
Take my hand and lead me
Until I stand on higher ground.
For anything and everything
Can somehow be endured
If your presence is beside me
And lovingly assured!

Prayer: Father, keep my faith strong, my fervor constant. Although I cannot see you, I know you are always near, always at my side. In every trouble and problem, there is a blessing. It takes patience and perseverance to see it. Improve my outlook, Lord, so that I can see clearly the blessing You have sent my way. Yes Father, your blessings are all around me. I thanked You for your generosity, Your mercy and Your love.

Thank you, Father, for the many blessings – visible and invisible – that You have bestowed upon me.

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