Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Reaching & Touching

We are in a matrix of relationships…. There are many different kinds of relationships. There is that of a man and a woman in marriage. There is, of course, that of a parent(s) and child. Beyond that there are the general friendships of varying degrees of intensity that we all pursue and enjoy. Do all of these relationships have anything in common? Absolutely! - G&G MacDonald
photo: Sunday Service Team @ CEFC (2009)

This year we had a holiday bonanza over this Chinese New Year because it falls on a weekend. As a result, we had four continuous days to break away from our normal routine. My wife and I made a trip back to Kuala Lumpur to visit my elderly parents. Most of the time we spent in KL revolved around family and food; buying, preparing, cooking, eating and washing up.

In addition, I took the opportunity to read an old book which I brought along for the KL trip. If Those Who Reach Could Touch is written by Gail and Gordon MacDonald in 1984. It is a good reminder for me on the importance, principles and practice of developing good relationship. I strongly recommend the book as it is both insightful and practical. Written from a Christian perspective, I think the principles are relevant to our day-to-day relationships.

Reaching out - an impulse basic to human life. From our ealiest moments we reach for security, for food, for help. Later we reach for companionship. Ultimately, we reach in response to the reaching of others: parent to child, friend to friend, stronger to weaker, whole to hurting.

But although we reach instictively, many times we miss our mark. We fail to affect lives. We reach, but we cannot touch. Perhaps, it's becasue we have never learned to touch effectively. Perhaps in the business of daily living we have forgotten how. Or perhaps past experiences have so bruised and blinded us that we are too afraid or too bitter to risk touching. As a result, our relationships have become stunted parodies of the love God created us to live in.

If Those Who Reach Could Touch takes a look at what the Bible says about reaching and touching - how it can be done successfully and why we fail so often. The authors seek to help us understand the ability we have to touch and be touched and show us how to care, to forgive, to encourage, and to confront until our relationships grow to the fruitful, satisfying potential God plans for all Christians.
photo: Christmas (2009)

Summary: Reaching and touching are the building blocks of relationships. …. Generally speaking, everyone reaches but not everyone touches...

Make relationships a priority in our lives…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
