Sunday, August 24, 2008

Joseph, The Dreamer

Is there a difficult conflict you must face again and again? Don't give up when you know what is the right thing to do because persistence is usually rewarded.
The path to a dream is paved with sacrifices
and lined with determination.
And though it has many stumbling blocks along the way
and may go in more than one direction,

photo: state college, USA

... it is marked with faith.
It is traveled by belief and courage,
... persistence and hard work.
It is conquered with a willingness
.... to face challenges and take chances,
.... to fail and try again and again.
Along the way, you may have to confront
.... doubts, setbacks, and unfairness.
But when the path comes to an end, will find that there is no greater joy
..... than making your dream come true.

- Barbara Cage

HIStory: The story of Joseph is well known to many. Recorded in Genesis 30-50, the story has been the focus of at least one broadway show and several Hollywood movies. One of Jacob's 12 sons, Joseph was the favorite son. However, his brothers hated him because of his pride and youthful arrogance. They plotted to kill him at first but changed their mind and decided to sell him to slave traders. Perhaps you can identify with one or more of these hardships Joseph experienced: he was betrayed and deserted by his family, exposed to sexual temptation, and punished for doing the right thing; he endured a long imprisonment and was forgotten by those he helped.
Where most would have failed, Joseph not only survived his ordeal, but he prospered to become the second in command in all Egypt. Through this story, I learnt that suffering, no matter how unfair, can develop strong character and deep wisdom. Joseph didn't allow the injustice to turn him into a bitter person, but instead, he came out of the ordeal a better person. In each situation, Joseph didn't spend much time asking "Why?", but his approach was "What shall I do now?".
photo: baptism @ Garden Hotel (Sep 6, 1986)
Spiritual: Also known as the Dreamer, Joseph had a clear knowledge of God's design on his life. The scripture tells us that "and those who met him recognized that wherever Joseph went and whatever he did, God was with him." .
Inspired by his true story, I decided on the name "Joseph" when I was asked to consider taking on a Christian name during my baptism.

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