Before 2008 fades into history, it is good to take time to reflect on the year that has passed. Most would agree that 2008 has been a tough year. Economically, many have seen their wealth eroded by the meltdown in the financial, stock and real estate markets. Some had their salary cut; others lost their jobs. The outlook for 2009 is not any better, if any, it promises more uncertainties and poses tougher challenges. More dooms and glooms is the general prediction. Nevertheless, as Christians, we are exhorted to give thanks at all time. We still give praise in difficult times; for we know that by grace, God will see us through; for we know that all things work together for our good.
Personally, there are many things I can give thanks. Two weeks ago, marked my 23rd anniversary as a Christian. On 14 December 1985, I opened my heart and invited Jesus Christ into my life to be my Savior and my Lord. I was then a 2nd year student in NUS. Throughout the years, God has been faithful to his promises (Gen 49:22-26).
- Financially, we are comfortable. Physically, we are grateful that we do not suffer from any major illnesses.
- Career wise, I find much joy, satisfaction and fulfillment from my work. I am one of those who still thinks that the grass is greener on his side.
Truly, “the boundary has fallen on pleasant places for me”.
Research: 2008, in particularly, has been rewarding with me receiving three international awards: (1) International Real Estate Society's Achievement Award for outstanding achievement in real estate, education and practice at the international level, (2) Best Paper on Real Estate Finance presented at the American Real Estate Society's annual meeting, and (3) Oustanding Reviewer Award at the Emerald Literati Network 2008 Awards for Excellence. I was also invited to sit on the editorial board of the Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management.
Teaching: I received favorable feedback from my students. One recent example is: “Now that I can finally catch a breather …, I'd just like to say a personal thank you to you for providing such an enriching and information intense half of the REMA module. I personally admire your action of giving each group personal attention during tutorial... (You walked around to discuss and explain perspectives to us individually). That really helped a lot in giving us ideas in what could really help and I believe others besides me have remembered that too. It’s not very common in NUS. Once again thank you for all you have done and the every mile you've gone for us. I truly appreciate it."
Executive Courses: At the other end of the spectrum, a senior executive who attended my recent training course in Shanghai complimented, “Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. Your course is one of the most interesting that I have attended… All of us benefitted from it.” The GM added, "It is our pleasure to attend your lecture. It has add value to our staff, they have benefited from the lesson. Thank you very much.” Also, someone who attended my course some years back wrote to me recently, “I truly enjoyed the course you did and I think academia is really your cup of tea!”Better stop now; already, it sounds like I am blowing my own trumpet. My wife, who is by my side, says, I am beginning to sound too arrogant and ask me if I know how to be humble! My motivation today is not to boast my accomplishments, but to take time: (i) to remember God's goodness; (ii) to celebrate with a thankful heart, and (iii) to remember not to take things (success) for granted... and, (iv) to stay connected to God, who is the source of all blessings: "... As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me, and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing." - John 15: 4,5
Indeed, the seed for this thanksgiving reflection germinated during the Christmas service last week. Whilst singing a praise song in church, I was inspired to scribble down the following words in my note book: (picture: courtesty of
Jesus commands my destiny:
"In every victory, let is be said of me; my source of strength, my source of hope, is in Christ alone!"