This is the Chinese character which means LISTEN.
The section on the left denotes the ear
There are four sections on the right:
the top one says ten (or you)
beneath that comes the eyes
next is undivided attention
at the bottom is heart
This blog was originally set up to share our sabbatical (07-08) in State College, USA - otherwise known as "Happy Valley". "Brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent and praiseworthy - think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me - put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you." (Phip 4:8)
This is the Chinese character which means LISTEN.
The section on the left denotes the ear
There are four sections on the right:
the top one says ten (or you)
beneath that comes the eyes
next is undivided attention
at the bottom is heart
It is virtually impossible to complete a day without falling into the trap of “grumbling or disputing”. It is so easy to pick up the habit of negative thinking. Why? Because there are so many things around us that prompt us to be irritable.
The negative attitude reacts to circumstances with blame. We blame ourselves or someone else, or God, or if we can’t find a tangible scapegoat, we blame “fate”. What an absolute waste!
Blame never affirms, it assaults
Blame never restores, it wounds
Blame never solves, it complicates
Blame never unites, it separates
Blame never smiles, it frowns
Blame never forgives, it rejects
Blame never forgets, it remembers
Blame never builds, it destroys
According to Charles Swindoll, the greatest waste of energy in our ecologically minded world is not electricity or natural gas…, it’s the energy we waste fighting the inevitables! And to make matter worse, we are the ones who suffer, who grow sour, who get ulcers, who become twisted, negative and tight-fisted fighters. Some actually die because of this. In short, blame backfires, hurting us more than the object of our resentment. Let’s admit it – not until we stop blaming will we start enjoying health and happiness again!
We spend more of our time concentrating and fretting over the string that snap – things that can’t be changed, things that suck up our attention and energy, all of them inescapable and occasionally demoralizing – than we do giving attention to the one that remains, our choice of attitude.
God grant me the Serenity, To accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And the wisdom to know the difference.
reflection: roses or thorns, your choice?
Reference: Charles Swindoll
Source: Charles Swindoll (1982) Strengthening Your Grip
As Christians, my wife and I find it comforting that our God is all present, all knowing, and able to do everything within His will.
Children were lined up in the cafereria for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. Someone had written a note and placed it next to the apples. It read,
"Take only one, God is watching."
Moving through the line, to the other end of the table, was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies. One little boy wrote his own note and snuck it next to the cookies,
"Take all you want, God is watching the apples."
As a result, both temper and temperature have also been rising in the house :)! Despite drawing the curtains during the day to keep the heat out, and switching on the huge ventilator fan at night, the house is still very hot. We find it particularly difficult to sleep in our normal bedroom, which is located on the top floor. So, we shifted down to the basement, which is much cooler than the other areas in the house.
If the weather stays this way, I suppose we will be sleeping in the guestroom in the basement. So, we have came one full circle!
In our first week in Happy Valley, we stayed in the basement. And in our last week here, we will also be staying in the basement : )
Incidentally, basement is a common feature of American houses. As far as we are aware, all the houses we visited in the US have a basement. For us, they are wonderful, chiefly because they are cool and amazingly spacious. In most homes, you can find the laundry room and carpentry/workshop in the basement. Others, will convert some part of the basement to a studio, games room (pool table, pinball machines, or playstation), or a playroom for children. Yet, for some, the basement will always be the dark dingy cellar where you dumped all your unwanted stuff. Another great feature of American homes, at least in this part of the country, is the screened porch – it is kind of a summer room on the side of the house, with walls made of a fine but sturdy mesh to keep out insects. They are a wonderful thing because they provide all the advantages of being outdoors and indoors at the same time. In Bill Bryson’s words, “it will always be associated in my mind with summer”. It’s true – most Americans live out there in the summer. This is where they would do most of their reading, writing, or just relaxing, staring out a sunny garden, watching the playful squirrels, listening to twittering birds and the hum of a neighbor’s lawn, whilst being caressed by a light breeze. And in the evening, dinners would also be eaten in the screened porch too.